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A sniper experience where the player must plan, time and be accurate to eliminate all targets without leaving a trace.



Shooting Gallery

HITMAN™ 2: Sniper Assassin

6 weeks half time (4h/day)

Unreal Engine



Ref Game:



To view a Blueprint, please press "Fullscreen" beside the name.

Level Walkthrough



The idea for the poly sniper came from a task in school where we were to create a shot of a sniper vantage point. The scene felt nice and I could really visualize playing a game in that scenery. I asked a classmate if he was interested in doing a snipergame as a summer project, to keep our skills in tune for the next semester. The answear was yes, so we began planning.




Looking at games in the "shooting gallery" genre, I got fascinated by one game in particular: HITMAN™ 2: Sniper Assassin. The idea with environmental hazzards along with the ragdoll physics got my imagination going, "all the ways people could me their demies".


After 2 weeks, a working protoype was ready. It featured a behavior tree for the population, an outline system similar to the reference game and a sniper rifle with coresponding ammosystem. Finally it was time to create an interesting level.


I started with listing in what ways the targets could die. Falling objects, explosions or maybe poisoning. After hours of testing i found that physical trauma was the most fun. Watching the ragdoll effect in action was never boring. "I wanted to make fun and ridiculouse ways for the targets to die" (3).gif (5).gif


Different environmental hazzards 




The level focuses on three areas, each inhabited by a main target and its guards.


The first target is in the center of the level, in plain sight as the player starts the level. The target patrol the building roof and occationally takes the lift down to walk to the hot dog vendor. The target and his guards can be killed in several ways, where the barbeque and the AC+water are the hazzards one can use.


The second target walks around the big houseing complex to the north. She is escorted by two guards and is seldom alone. Furthermore, there are alot of civilians around her patrol path so the player need to be cautious and use the environmental hazzards.


The third target is located in the park to the north west. She is the easiest target since there are only two guards with wide patrol paths and few civilians. The player can lure the target down a hole with a fotball or simple shot her and the guards in a quick serie.











Toggeling outline feature.


One of the core features in Poly Sniper is the outline. By activating it, the world turns monocrome and targets get a colored outline. Main target have red, guards have yellow and hazzards has green outline. The outline is made up of a post process volume and a post process material. It caluculates where the edges of the meshes are, and fills it with a pixel denisity and colour of my choosing.



Haveing a vivid world and makeing the player have distracting objects around the target makes the overall experience better. I added trafic using splines and civilians moveing randomly around the city. The civilians worked with basic random movement and the tragets/guards used a behavior tree.



In the behaviour tree, I made five types of behaviour. Patrol, Noise (hearing gunshots), Accident (finding corpse), Murder (seeing the kill), Alarm (running to safety). Whith these bahaviours, the player could e.g. lure the guards away from the target with the "Noise" behaviour. Kill a target with a hazzard, triggering an "Accident" behaviour.



Cars following a spline to make trafic.



Behaviour tree for the NPCs in the game.

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